A review by allivenger
Queen of Myth and Monsters by Scarlett St. Clair


If you quizzed me at the end of this book asking me what the plot was I could not answer you. I have no idea what the plot of this was besides Isolde and Adrian “fighting and f*cking”. Which is an actual quote from the book and did nothing for the plot.

I have so many conflicting feelings because I somewhat enjoyed King of Battle and Blood but this book suffers from a lot of plot points that don’t work for it. Isolde’s inner monologue was again full of complaints and it was the same issue cycled over and over and over again. “I don’t want to be a monster”, “but what about my people?” And bringing up things that happened in this book like that had happened in a previous book and the author needed to remind you of it 50 pages later like you forgot.

The addition of Adrian’s POV did nothing for the plot either. He was entirely one dimensional and it didn’t help me understand what was going on with him at all. Isolde would pick fights with him and demand to be heard and he would ignore her and tell her he knew best and then they would end up sleeping together. IT WAS A CHORE TO FINISH THIS. I got to the last half hour and within a single chapter there were two sex scenes.

I also couldn’t distinguish in the audiobook when Isolde was remembering her time as Yesenia from the present parts of the book. It just ran together and I struggled because it was like a slap in the face. It also JUST ENDS. The book JUST ENDS. It’s not even a cliffhanger it’s just they’re talking and it’s done. And then a bonus scene! I had whiplash. I gave this 3 stars but it’ll be awhile before I read the third book once it comes out. I did not enjoy this book.