A review by sarah1984
April Lady by Georgette Heyer


Read for the 2017 POPSUGAR Challenge prompt 'A Book with a Month or Day of the Week in the Title' and the URR 2017 New Year's Reading Challenge prompt 'Classic (Literature) Romance'

5/8 - After complaining about the boringness of this book for almost the entire time I read it (which was for over a month) the last quarter saved it from being a completely disliked book. The scene with Heathersett, Nell, Dysart, Fancot, and the jarvey driver outside Heathersett's house was really funny and actually surprised a laugh out of me. From that point on I found myself actually quite interested in the story and happy to read the last 40 pages while (and after) I ate my breakfast instead of continuing with my Dexter Season 6 marathon.

If I hadn't been reading this for the two challenges I'm pretty sure I would have DNFd it at the point where I stalled for, like, two weeks. Now that I've finished it I'm glad that I had the motivation of those challenges to keep me reading because it turned out better than I had expected. Although this did exceed my expectations I won't be keeping it because I can't see myself ever feeling the need to reread it. I will (at some point in the future) read at least one more Heyer, mostly because I own a second one and can't get rid of it until I've read it (or at least attempted to). This will be my tenth charity shop donation so far this year (I think I may have brought home around double what I've taken out, but don't tell my mum that) and the funny thing is that whenever I go back with another book to donate I see a number of the books that I've dropped off in the past. It seems that my rejects are either unknown to my fellow Brotherhood of St. Laurence shoppers or are no more popular with them than they were with me. If I keep taking them duds, the lovely ladies who volunteer at my local shop might ban me from any more donations until they can move what I've already brought them.

Now that I'm done I can get started on my most anticipated book of the year, [b:Etched in Bone|22062213|Etched in Bone (The Others, #5)|Anne Bishop|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1466702225s/22062213.jpg|41392349] by [a:Anne Bishop|26897|Anne Bishop|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1237258217p2/26897.jpg]. I can't wait to read it, but at the same time I'm trying to put it off because I know it's the last one in the series and it's been the best series I've read in years and I never want the wonderfulness of it to end. I have an unsolvable dilemma. *frowny face and sigh*