A review by mackle13
The Fair Folk by Jane Yolen, Midori Snyder, Kim Newman, Marvin Kaye, Patricia A. McKillip, Tanith Lee, Craig Shaw Gardner, Megan Lindholm


Well, I said most of my comment in the status updates, so there's not much left to say.

'UOUS' by Tanith Lee
This is a sort of twist on a Cinderella story. It wasn't a bad story, but I found the writing a bit distracting. This is the first thing I've read by Tanith Lee, and it didn't make me want to run out and grab more by her. 2.5 - 3 stars

'Grace Notes' by Megan Lindholm (aka Robin Hobb)
This was a sort of cute story about a brownie with Martha Stewart taste. It was also kind of annoying in parts. The love story angle felt sort of extraneous. Again, first story by this author, not prompted to pursue more. 3 stars

'The Gypsies in the Wood' by Kim Newman
My favorite of the lot, written as a mystery set in a Victoriana England, which nice little references to Sherlock Holmes. This is a tie-in to his Diogenes Club stories, which I'd looked into before, but couldn't get my hands on. Definitely interested in tracking it down, now, though. 4 stars

'Kelpie' by Patricia A. McKillip
Another story set in a sort of Victoriana, this time following a group of bohemian artists instead of the detective formula. I almost felt like I was rereading Dorian Grey, minus the wit. It was interesting, though, and sweet - and I liked the ending. Interested in reading more by this author if anything else catches my eye. 3.5 - 4 stars

"The Embarrassment of Elves" by Craig Shaw Gardner
Apparently part of a larger set of stories, which I'm not particularly interested in continuing with. As I said, it was a cute story, but I felt like it was sort of a Discworld knock-off, but not as funny. 3 - 3.5 stars

'Except the Queen' by Jane Yolen and Midori Snyder
Didn't really like the format of the story - as if we're reading letters written back and forth from two sisters exhiled from Faerie. The story itself was ok, but nothing spectacular, and a mite predictable. 2.5 - 3 stars