A review by kimching232
If I Fix You by Abigail Johnson


Ah, If I Fix You. You are such an amazing book, and you simultaneously broke and mended my heart. If I Fix You is one of the most beautifully-written books I've read, and to this day I still feel the emotions I felt when I first read it. I may not remember exactly what transpired, but my heart constricts just a bit at the remembrance of what it made me feel.

What I loved about this book was how much I truly connected with the main character and how much I truly felt everything that happened in the book. I was so invested and I couldn't help feel what the characters were feeling. I was able to put myself in their positions, and not all authors are capable of doing that.

Another thing I loved is the friendship and the romance. I can't even say much about this for the fear of spoilers, but I truly loved it. I loved how there was no rivalry or planted hate, and how there was just acceptance and wanting the good for the person. Ugh, not sure if I made sense, but it makes sense in my head.

Overall, I loved this book and I felt all the feels. I truly recommend this one!