A review by hollyp23
My Heart Goes Bang by Keris Stainton


This novel is about five girls in their second year of university who have a list of men to date in order to disregard relationships and focus on their studies, however unsurprisingly this is not how the story unfolds.

Keris Stainton has written a novel that is short, but packs in a lot. I found it difficult to put this book down and found myself attached to the characters - even swooning over one in particular...

The friendships between the girls and the relationships they have are both realistic and relatable and a core reason why this book is so enjoyable. There was also a number of topics dealt with in a respectable manner in merely 300 pages, this including sexuality, financial struggles of university and harassment.

The only problem being that it sometimes was hard to follow all of the plot strands with each individual character and I found myself rereading segments in order to identify whose perspective was being explored. Although once I had grasped each individual story line and personality this problem receded.

It's lovely to find a well written and enjoyable YA novel set during university; one I would highly recommend.