A review by bookpimpfairy
A Ferry of Bones & Gold by Hailey Turner


Goodbye sleep it was nice knowing you

Book was recommended by a friend and can't help but love and hate them for this rec.
One of those series you pick up and know you are not going to stop until all published works are read and you will salivate in every word.
Patrick has been through a lot in his not so long life and that's what makes him such a strong and engaging character, he chooses not to work with others cause he knows the pain of any loss, until he meets Jono. Jono, along with his close contacts, brings everything into Pat's life to make him want to truly fight and not just survive.
The world building is top-notch, the plot is fast-paced, while a lot is going on , you don't lose focus and just want to continue to see how it all plays out. Right onto the next book, I go to see what madness comes about next in this wild ride.