A review by kaje_harper
Undertow by Andrea Speed


This book only works as part of the excellent series it belongs to - do not start here. In this seventh book, we get to spend time with old friends. Holden in particular gets more on page time, and progression in both his personal life and his role as a high-octane Robin to Roan's Batman. This is a good thing - I really appreciate time spent with Holden.

The cliff-hanger ending of book six is resolved with a surprisingly low-key progression. In fact, although Roan moves forward in his increasingly amoral vigilantism, and escalates his battles with self-loathing as much as with the lion within, this book feels a bit status quo for Roan, and Dylan. This has a couple of mysteries, one fairly minor and swiftly resolved. There are some fun scenes with the country's coolest hockey team. Roan and Dylan share a few emotional moments, while still choosing to keep half of a wall between them about important issues. Publicity about Roan's unique status as an evolving viral-human hybrid, with the avalanche of disasters that could ensue, hovers but never falls. This is a nice series book, about characters I care for, but not one that breaks new ground for them. It feels like that's coming, though. Roan's secret can't be kept forever, and perhaps Dylan and Holden can gang up on Roan's damnable obsession with self-sufficiency.... next book?