A review by frakalot
Blueshift by Joshua Dalzelle


A classic example of human survival behaviour in a rather interesting scenario. There are no real surprises in this adventure, even the ironic twist seemed inevitable, but I thoroughly enjoyed the tale. The story focuses on the drama of the situation but the world created was quite interesting and I would have enjoyed learning more about this version of our future.

I didn't really fall in love with any of the characters apart from Captain Marcus and it was really a tale about his experience for me, even though we get a number of perspectives. I properly despised the nasty crew members as I suspect the author intended. I was a bit disappointed when certain pairs of characters seemed to suddenly switch their outlooks, it was a little inconsistent but didn't really ruin the story at all.

This book has the distinction of being the first book I've read which places an f-bomb as the very first word, but don't let that fool you, there are some delicious passages and nice unique metaphors (or similies or analogies) in Blueshift.