A review by davidr
The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies by David Wilcock


I did not read this entire book. After reading a few chapters, I realized it is just crackpot science. This book is what happens when a filmmaker pretends to understand history and science. I give this book the lowest possible rating--but if I could give it 0 stars, I would.

The book starts out with the Backster effect. Backster used polygraphs for many years, and on a whim he connected a polygraph to a plant. He found that the plant's readings were not steady, but showed some movement. Backster tapped the plant's leaf, and dipped it into coffee, there was no reaction. But when Backster threatened to burn the leaf, the polygraph went wild. Backster repeated the experiment, and found similar results. He even tried putting a plant in a Faraday cage (which prevents electromagnetic waves from reaching to or from the plant), and got positive results. Later he realized that he was causing distress to the plant, so he ceased. He participated in making a film about the experiment, where an actor threatened the plant, and the polygraph showed a strong reaction.

The book does not mention that a number of scientists have tried the experiment, but have not been able to repeat Backster's results. This indicates that Backster was not using controlled conditions.

Another chapter described the Great Pyramid in Egypt. The details about the precision of the pyramid's construction are fascinating. But the numerology tidbits that the author used to increase the reader's sense of awe are just--underwhelming.

I cannot finish this book. It is bogus science, intended for gullible people.