A review by bittersweet_symphony
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut


Vonnegut is a cynical social commentator who puts particular issues of race, class and cultural norms into their most simple forms, displaying their ridiculousness. The narrator's voice is almost condescending, but in a way readers will find enjoyable and clever.

His characters are comical, but the novel lacks heart (which is by design). This doesn't mean one won't feel for the characters, but that one isn't likely to be moved emotionally. Vonnegut does satire and pointed social commentary very well (even if one disagrees with his social-political worldview).

Vonnegut's friend, John Irving, is a writer who creates rich, hearty characters with comical plot lines, while providing insightful social commentary (my own preference). But, if you want a cheeky read that is easy, well-crafted and simple, Breakfast of Champions is a good fit.

I highly recommend books by both authors.