A review by hatseflats
Boys Don't Cry by Fíona Scarlett


If this is Fíona Scarlett's debut effort, I can't wait to see what she will write next. This was written with such authentic and raw emotion that it was impossible to not be moved. What is it about the Irish and their ability to make one cry? Not wanting to give anything away, but the story focuses on two modern-day Dublin brothers living in a council tower flat. Joe is 17, and Finn is 12. The story is divided evenly between them with the writer titling alternating chapters 'Joe' and 'Finn'. I thought it was very clever how the author also alternated the time of the story between past and present as divided between the two characters with Finn's story being in the past and Joe's in the present. If you enjoy a good two hanky read, you'll get your Irish linen's worth of tears out of this one!