A review by jen_baroness_mom
Scandal in Skibbereen by Sheila Connolly


Scandal in Skibbereen by Sheila Connolly is a reminder that not everyone is in a hurry and we should all take the time to breathe. 

Will Maura figure out who killed Seamus? 

Maura Donovan 
In this second installment, we find our sleuth better settled but unwilling to commit to staying. Maura fits in well, and the people there respect her, except Jimmy. But he is just a grumpy, half-empty kind of guy. Maura also hasn't decided what she will do with the pub. Will she add food? Will she clean it up more? Basically, how and what will she do to put her stamp on the place? She is not in a hurry. 
Yet, she has made more friends and is doing better in Ireland than in Boston. So, she may stay. Maura also meets Gillian, an artist who spends her winters in Dublin and summers here. 

The Mysteries
Althea Melville shows up at the pub, looking for someone to elp her find an old painting of the local gentry. She has no idea who but has a more miniature painting to which the larger one should look similar. Billy assists Maura and Althea with some local history, and Maura recommends a hotel in Skibbereen for Althea. That night a gardener at the manor house is killed. Are they connected? It seems like they should be, but then there is no evidence that they are. 

These ladies uncover some local history by going around and speaking with the citizens that have been there for eons. It is humbling to listen to their stories. I enjoyed following Maura around as she learned about the local history. It's incredible how much people knew but wouldn't say, as it wasn't their story to tell. 

Five Stars 
My rating for Scandal in Skibbereen by Sheila Connolly is five stars. I read the story when it came out and enjoyed it as much as I did the first time. I will be rereading the beginning of the series and finishing the later books that I have fallen behind with. The author is no longer with us, and I am now ready to complete the series. I highly recommend it if you are interested in the American sleuth in Ireland cozy mystery. 

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Scandal in Skibbereen by Sheila Connolly

Until the next time, 

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