A review by inthebelljar
So You Want to be a Robot and Other Stories by A. Merc Rustad


While reading this short story collection, it occurred to me that I would be marking this as a favorite book here on Goodreads. So many of these stories hit close to home in such meaningful ways, exploring gender and trauma and relationships and being human.

Or not being human.

Which was, honestly, very touching and relatable as someone who, for many reasons (neurodivergency, trauma, gender, etc.), can find solace in relating to non-human entities and characters, and has for a long time.

Although I can't say every story was 5 stars, as a whole, this collection felt perfect to me. The mixture of fantasy and science fiction throughout worked so well, and the worlds felt so whole - it was like visiting these gorgeous, fully-realized realities. These worlds were not created just for the story that took place within them.

The characters, the writing, the worlds - all of this was so well-done that I have to give this 5 stars and a place on my favorites shelf. So many of these stories felt like unspoken words from my own heart and it was cathartic and wonderful to read, even if some hurt; it was an experience and one that meant a lot to me.