A review by redhairedashreads
Battle Angel Alita Vol. 5 by Yukito Kishiro


Life after Motorball is peaceful for Alita, at least as peaceful as it can get in the Scrapyard. But that peace is shattered by the return of former hunter-warrior Zapan, who wants Alita dead.

This volume takes place two years after the motorball arc ends. Alita has changed a lot since then. She has grown into a more peaceful person. She plays music and sings, she teaches others how to fight, and she is back with Ido. Zapan’s return changes all of that, especially after the Zalemite scientist Desty Nova changes him.

This volume was very action packed and filled with a lot of sadness. People die and others shun Alita. I was surprised at some of the things that happened in this volume but I still really enjoyed it. I am also glad to see we finally get to meet the mysterious Desty Nova, especially since he has been a key player behind the scenes up till now.

I am moving straight into the next volume because I need to know what happens after that ending.

This review was originally posted at Red-Haired Ash Reads.