A review by nightshade_novels
The Great Devourer: The Leviathan Omnibus by


This book was a ride. Nine stories all involving tyranids in some way (although in some cases as a very minor part, think the entire story happening and then tyranids landing on the last page). As is typical of Warhammer omnibuses the quality of the writing and stories varied a lot. I was really excited to read about the tyranids as they are one of my favourite Warhammer species, and in that respect this book certainly delivered.

The first story is the longest and for me was also the hardest to get through. It mainly follows the Eldar and therefore has a lot of Eldar politics. It also has Iyanna again who I read about in the Rise of the Ynnari duology. This story took me a long time to get through and I had to read it alongside another book to keep me motivated to read it. Had I not been reading this for a readathon it would have taken me much longer.

However, moving onto the short stories the quality vastly improves. I was happy to read more from Reynolds who never disappoints. I also really enjoyed reading some stories from the Necron point of view. Before this the necrons were one of the species that I knew the least about, so it was great to learn more about them.

My favourite story in this omnibus was Tempestus, which actually had the least tyranids in it. But it read much more like one of the Warhammer horror stories and was set on a really interesting, mostly oceanic planet. It was fast paced and really enjoyable.

Overall this did end up being enjoyable and I would definitely dip into it again to read some of the short stories, but can't see myself rereading the whole book.