A review by maisyreads1817
The Madness of Viscount Atherbourne by Elisa Braden


I can’t believe this is a debut, yes a few things need development but this was brilliant.

A revenge story is always tricky as it risks characters being irredeemable and thus unlikeable. This had the balance right of the revenge being justified but somehow not ruin characters (even if it gets a bit farcical).

The relationship was full of angst but still well developed. I did get a bit of whiplash from how quickly there emotions would change scene to scene but I get that was meant to be part of the turmoil. I would have liked to see more of the MMC backstory than just the bits we got at the end. All the characters feel well fleshed out and real fully rounded people.

I can’t wait to read on in the series as the characters have been so well set up (without taking over from the main couple).