A review by aaronwarnersgirl
King of Greed by Ana Huang

Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
I started this in a bookstore because I was bored and I needed something familiar and easy to read, and before I noticed I had read 100 pages. I loved those first hundred pages, they were just what I imagined this book would be, fun, well written and just good vibes, it was like a movie playing in my head. 

I went back a second time and read another 80ish pages, but they didn’t feel the same. I found myself getting annoyed at Dominic and a little bored of Alessandra, the other characters weren’t much either. 

I tried going back and trying to read it one last time but by then too much time had passed. I wasn’t feeling it at all anymore. 

I really want to try reading it a second time though, especially since I skipped the second book, kind of pride. I also really liked the first part of the book and I feel like in the middle of Ana Huang books there’s always this one part that you have to get over quickly so you don’t get stuck, and since I didn’t own the book I got stuck. 

I really liked the lonely dramatic scenes in big expensive rooms and I loved the golden, magazine kind of fancy aesthetic of Dominic and Alessandra. I also really liked their past scenes where they got to know each other. 

take care and stay hydrated loves<3 and don’t read books you don’t feel like reading, life is way to short to read books that you don’t enjoy reading! mhuaaa