A review by paddlefoot55
Fire & Water by Alexis Hall


ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

I jumped for joy - I had finally been approved for an Alexis Hall ARC.

Now, I am new to the Kate Kane series, jumped into book 3 without reading the first two, so it did take me a little while to get into the rhythm of the book.

Once I was there, I really had a fun old time reading and I just adored Kate and her friends. I love the banter, the fight scenes were wonderfully executed.

Now, because I haven't read the previous books, I was a bit confuzzled with whom was who and what was what, but that didn't at all take away from my involvement in the story.

I loved the way all the different "beings" saw relationships, and how they all intermingled and got on.

Now I find myself needing more, and having to go back and read the first 2 books.

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