A review by toyboxtrash
The Magic of Eternity by Britt Andrews


I felt a bit let down with the conclusion.

70% of this book was them being apart, going through their own torture during their time being held captive. Then 10% was the battle with Az and Laurie and the last 10% was the birth and aftermath of that.

There were so many unanswered/unresolved things in this book. We had a huge build up with the bram/Faris and Kai/Cam relationships but never saw them fully come to fruition. I also found that I wanted to see Sloane and Fishers relationship be repaired but it was only mentioned in passing in the epilogue.

The smut was almost non existent in this book, I get because it was the conclusion we needed more drama and angst but we really needed more of them being domesticated and homely after this was a huge thing throughout the book as everyone just wanted some normal time together and we didn’t see that.

I did like how the author tackled Saiges postpartum depression. This was something nice to see and also made sense because she felt that without seeing and being around the babies she would turn out like Laurie.

I wish we could have seen the big party they planned in Besmet but I know the book was already long and they were trying to disband the royal hold on the realm so I see why we didn’t see it but it would have been nice to see Balor and Khol again. I’m mad we didn’t see Khol with his grand daughters as that seemed like something Saige and him would have wanted.

Also what about Khols adopted son? He is mentioned but we never meet him (unless he is one The Exiled?). What about Gran and Rick I wanted more on what was going on with them! What happened to the dragons? They are in the battle, then suddenly NOTHING. Not even in the epilogue were they mentioned!

This ending felt rushed and then I read the author wrote all 5 books in a year but I would have preferred taking longer and really working out some of the plot holes.

I’ll read about the Exiled boys but will wait until the series is complete to read it. Hopefully we get mentions of everyone from Emerald Lakes in it as it will be nice to see everyone.