A review by silenthillda
Liebestrasse by Greg Lockard, Will Dennis


Overall Rating: 3.5

A historical fiction graphic novel of two men living during the rising of the nazi regime in Germany. We meet American working abroad Sam and focus on his romance with Philip who is native to Berlin.

It is drawn in the retro style of 1940s Comics reminiscent of the likes of Archie. Sharp lines, cartoony faces, and bright colors with a hint of flair from the Noire genre. I really enjoyed the art style.

The plot was fine too, a bit on the short side. I did want more but what’s there is serviceable. The switching of timelines confusing at first, but understood by the end. The story realistic, but missing the expositional context. I felt it needed to be fleshed out more especially with the subject matter. Maybe not stayed married to Sam’s point of view and get more of Philip.

Granted, the subject matter is deep and maybe they didn’t want to delve in to the violence of it all. There are tasteful ways you can do the story while still adding more details. Also more educational points. One may not be well-versed in what happened during those times. Generally, I did like what was there and the potential of the story. Still important.