A review by virgobabe
The Guardians of the Halahala by Shatrujeet Nath



First off, let me say this: you don't need to cram your book with big words to come off as intelligent. Reading with a dictionary in hand isn't my idea of fun. Most of us pick up a book to enjoy ourselves, to escape into another world, but this book made me want to escape from reading anything by this author ever again. It's a shame because I already bought the next two books based on the glowing reviews.

There were just way too many characters and no coherent structure to the story. The plot had potential, but it was executed poorly. It felt like I was watching a Hindi daily soap opera. And don't even get me started on the plot holes. Are you seriously telling me that the all-knowing Shiva can't destroy the last bit of halahala because he's already taken too much poison? Give me a break. And now he doesn't want to guard the dagger anymore because he's bored? Come on. And how on earth did Vikramaditya take the dagger to the in-between world? And how did he already know Vetala was there? Do you see what I mean? There was too much useless information crammed into the book and not enough questions answered.