A review by cdnmrs
One Night with a Billionaire by Jessica Clare


Can I just say that I was thrilled beyond relief that this was NOT a romance between Cade and Daphne. I mean, I love Cade, he's strong, charming, and a really good guy, but Daphne is a selfish, prima donna junkie. It just did not seem feasible ever for these two to get together.

I also liked being able to cheer for the chubby girl. As a plus size woman it's nice to see myself represented in the books I read and I'm not talking about some character with a "rounded belly" or "lush curves". I'm talking about a heavy (Kylie is dubbed "Fat Marilyn" by Daphne.), beautiful woman with self-confidence and body issues who has her talent and character called into question because of her size.

I mentioned before that I love Cade and I did in all of Jessica Clare's previous Billionaire installments, but not so much in this book. I thought Cade was a bit of a dick in One Night with a Billionaire. I don't know if he was supposed to come across as someone who was tired of being Mr. Nice Guy or just a guy who knows what he wants, but he, a billionaire, threatens Kylie's job, her only form of income, so that she'll continue their relationship. To me it seemed a departure from the kind and generous Cade we've seen in books past and it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.

I really thought One Night with a Billionaire had a great balance of serious content and the sexy playfulness Jessica Clare is known for. When you have a character with addiction issues and also a character with issues of self-worth a writer has to address it head on or the issues come across as trite ways to create conflict. I thought Jessica Clare handled them well and without using the issues to create an overbearing morality tale.

Full joint review with Monica Corwin available at http://www.thebookvixen.com/2015/06/book-review-giveaway-one-night-with.html

Received copy for honest review from author.