A review by mbenzz
Pretty Much Screwed by Jenna McCarthy


While the book is fast paced and will definitely keep you turning the pages, I did NOT care for it. I really didn't like Charlotte (the main character). Yes, her husband Jake is a douche-bag, but she was just as much at fault for the collapse of their marriage. She's nagging and bossy, and expects her husband to kiss her ass and tell her how wonderful she is all the time! Yet she never TALKS to him, and tells him what she wants. The whole birthday thing really irritated me. She DID say she didn't want anything, then bitched when he didn't get anything? I'm not a guy, but even I hate that crap. Men are not mind-readers. And then when they were in the restaurant and she was telling him what he could order off the menu? Ahhhh... don't think so. I would NEVER order for my husband, nor would he do it to me. He's a big-boy, he can pick out his own dinner

Then there was the whole Jesse thing. It was great, he's amazing, then boom...she just throws it all away for her jack-ass ex? Without TALKING to him about the situation? Idk...I probably would have wanted a definitive answer to "Are we getting back together?" before breaking up with someone as perfect as Jesse.

The ending was ridiculous. The story about Jesse cheating on his wife made no sense. It felt like it was thrown in at the last minute to justify to the reader why Jesse would stay with Charlotte after she lied to him. It was so out of character for the way he'd been built up as this perfect spouse/widower/boyfriend/chef/human being.

And can I just say...what 42 year old woman who's back out in the dating world DOESN'T USE BIRTH CONTROL?!?!

Nope...didn't like it. I flew through it cause I was hoping Charlotte would man-up and take control at some point, but in the end she didn't have to. Everything just works out like a perfect little fairy tale for her. Lame.