A review by whitney0498
Born of Defiance by Sherrilyn Kenyon


I have been provided with a review copy of Born of Defiance from the publisher St. Martin’s Press for an impartial review. This book just made me want to cry with everything that was going on throughout it. I absolutely fell in love with Talyn Batur and Felicia and getting to see their journey through this tough world was truly amazing. Born of Defiance is the ninth book in The League: Nemesis rising series and it is very interesting that instead of picking up around the same time that the eighth book in The League series Born of Fury ended it goes back in time to where the series started and takes place at the same time as Born of Night. It was really interesting to see because there were certain details that would take you back to Born of Night and things would just become so much clearer. I’m absolutely loving this series and I can’t wait to read the next one.