A review by melerihaf
The Man In The Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas, Raymond H. Harris, Brendan Lynch


This book should have been called "Everybody Dies Because People Make Stupid Choices." Porthos dies because of Aramis' choice to replace Louis with Phillipe. Raoul dies because Louise makes the choice to become the king's mistriss, and also because he stupidly went to war rather than live without her. Athos dies because Raoul does. Dartagnan dies because he doesn't take the time to move out of cannon range when he receives his marshal's baton. I will admit, I cried a bit when Pothos died, and when Muscoton (sorry for the spelling, I listened on audiobook and I don't speak French) died of his broken heart, but I could not feel sorry for anyone else. And why in the world did Aramis feel the need to boast of the switch he had made to M. Fouquet, who he knew to be an honorable man? He should have kept his stupid mouth shut. Okay, this book made me grumpy, but it was still entertaining enough.