A review by bookaneer
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 168 September 2020 by Lavie Tidhar, R.P. Sand, Keishi Kajifune, Neil Clarke, Arula Ratnakar, Nin Harris, G.D. Angier, Isabel Lee


"What Remains of Maya Sankovy" by G. D. Angier and "Lone Puppeteer of a Sleeping City" by Arula Ratnakar are the strongest stories here - the latter one a novelette. Both were pretty touching though they took some time to be immersive.

"Every Plumage, Every Beak" by Nin Harris was interesting since it uses lots of Malay myths and words, though the plot itself was just okay, with a hint of silkpunk.

I also enjoyed the nonfiction articles, especially since we have interviews with two of the giants in short story publishing, Sheila Williams of Asimov's and Scott H. Andrews of Beneath Ceaseless Skies, who told the readers what kind of stories they would prioritize.