A review by trisha_thomas
Like, Follow, Kill by Carissa Ann Lynch


hmmm. . .I've been trying to decide what didn't work for me on this one. I liked the dark beginning (that first chapter!) and the idea of a darker story. The car wreck and the small town blaming Camilla for her husband's death and her struggle to stay sober was a good start as we learn of Camilla's recovery and her new life now, without her husband.

I think there could have been more with Valerie. About how easy it is to follow someone who is broadcasting their location every few days, giving daily videos and check ins. I liked the sinister feel of the broadcasts when there were shadows in the dark and seedy hotels. I also liked how Camilla found solace at someone else's life, watching from a distance but feeling the connection with the outside world.

But somewhere along the way, this story lost me. The first few chapters were a different feel and a different tone. I flipped back more than once to make sure it didn't say a different charact or POV. I think I wanted more build up. I didn't love the ending but I like that it stayed with the darker theme. Wish I'd loved this one.

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.