A review by loverofromance
Playboy by Katy Evans


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

When bringing the poker face to the table, Cullen knows how to keep it calm, but also bring the fire within Wynn and win big time…

First Impressions
Playboy was such a surprise of a read for me and yes I am back to reading Katy Evans. I have neglected this author recently, and I think part of it is I just haven’t seen her writing around so I have completely spaced in reading the books I have yet to read from her. I wonder if she will be returning soon as I see she is rebranding her covers (which I have mixed feelings about) but I haven’t really seen much about if she is taking a break from writing or if she is gone for good. I hope she is just taking a break though, as I just adore her work. I won’t lie that I was nervous to read Playboy, because I remember reading Womanizer and I didn’t necessarily love that one. So I didn’t know what to expect going into Playboy especially since I don’t remember this book going around hardly when it was released or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention lol BUT this book blew my mind out of the WATER!! It was everything I wanted and more. The blurb is vague and kind confusing though so I was on the fence for a bit as it’s been on my library shelf in Libby for a little while. But I just had an urge to pick it up, and this book was so addictive.

I feel . . . like the world just disappeared around us . . . like we’re on the verge of a zombie apocalypse but we’re not scared because we have each other. Even if we turned, we’d find our way together.

Wynn Watson, is recovering from a breakup with a man that broke her heart and now is serial dating. Her current date, is taking her to an underground gambling table, what she doesn’t expect is to be drawn into the magnetism of infamous professional poker player Cullen Carmichael aka Playboy, but also happens to be her best friends future brother in law. In their first meeting, there is an intensity and raw attraction between them. But when her date gambles her in a game of poker and he loses, she is now Cullen’s. But Cullen surprises her by just having her be his date for the evening and showing her the tricks to playing poker. When Cullen realizes she is his good luck charm, they come to an arrangement, she spends the weekend with him in Vegas while he will attend with her at her art exhibit as there is a debate between them on whether gambling vs the visual arts has a higher quality to it. As Wynn takes a chance on Cullen, as he treats her to the pleasures and exotic delights that can be found in the city of Sin, there is a deep resounding love that is formed between them. But will past fears and reservations keep them from capitalizing on the intense love they have found in each other’s arms?

People don’t really know how addictive love is until they fall. Once you’re in, you crave the feeling like a drug and you feel lost without it.

What I Loved
I just know that my review could ever come close to portraying how amazing this story was for me or give this book the justice upon which it deserves. There was so much beauty and love contained in this book and its definitely a favorite of mine. I was floored by this book and while it doesn’t match to my love of Remy and his story, this tops all the books in the Manwhore series and that is saying a lot (and for those of you who remember Manwhore and M+1 know exactly how incredible those books were) but there something so poignant about this book that I just didn’t expect. I honestly thought that the hero was the typical playboy, but he surprised me as he is the one solid in the foundation of the relationship and fighting for something more than just a casual fling. He wants love and the whole package long term., He has a past and some struggles. He has found his passion and is not ashamed of what he is good at and makes very good money with. He has this assurance in himself that is sexy as sin. Then we have our heroine, Wynn. She has had some heartbreaking struggles. She isn’t able to physically have children, she got hurt by a man she was with for four years and has major commitment issues. She has a passion for art but she is also spontaneous and full of life and sensuality. I love how she handles our hero especially in the first half of the story. I really felt that she is such a honest breath of fresh air heroine who is easy to relate with. There is a journey that these two go on, of self discovery and learning to fight for real love. Its not easy though, the heroine has some issues that she needs to work through, but that moment when she realizes what she has with Cullen, was simply beautiful. And the ending….my HEART was so LOST in the story and I didn’t want to leave. Buckets of happy tears as it really brings the story full circle and had such a satisfying finale.

I’m in deep and drowning. Cullen is a different kind of danger, a precipice of uncertainty that promises to leave me awakened and alive.

What I Struggled With
I do wish that the heroine had fought for the hero a bit earlier and not been so hesitant but it didn’t take away from my enjoyment at all.

I won our bet but I also won something more. I won the man, a man who chose me.

Overall View
Playboy is a badass charming contemporary read that will deliver 100% to its readers,. A poignant romance that will deliver in the feels, surrounding you will thrills and joys, guaranteed to having you cheer these two on towards their journey to their happy ever after! Cullen Carmichael has my HEART and SOUL!

This feels so different than anything else I’ve ever had in my life. This is real love. Real and honest. It’s love, the kind that moves mountains.

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