A review by rays_reads
Blood of Hercules by Jasmine Mas

  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated


Ok. Let's get this review over with.

Overall Rating: 2.25

The romantasy genre continues to disappoint! I honestly shouldn't have expected much but so many people were hyping this up so.... yea. But no.

I'll start off with the good. This book was hilarious. I was bored at times but this book was genuinely so outlandish it was just funny. Alexis' inner monologue and dialogue with Nyx was probably the best thing about this book because of how much they resembled best friends. No to mention, Alexis is so weird (in a good way ig) that the inner monologue she has doesn't seem out of character at all. Homegirl is just trying to survive and I respect it. She's just done with the world and simply wants to give her brother a better life and live a life where she doesn't have to worry about rationing food or dying ever 5 seconds.
Ig another good thing about Alexis was her powers with languages. I feel like that's such a cool power to have that isn't utilized the way it should have been... but I digress...

Another thing that really kept this from being 1 star was the fact that I couldn't put it down. Yes, it was dragging and boring at times but it's like watching a dumpster fire. I couldn't look away and the minute I did.. the garbage exploded. So... I'll give it to Mas.... she can write an entertaining story at least.

Now onto the bad. First we have the writing. Now idk what kinda futuristic world this is but the amount of cringe writing I had to read was ABYSMAL. I almost DNFed for the writing alone but I decided to get my head out of my own ass and stop being a snob. Does that mean my opinion changes about the writing? No.

In addition, the bad writing only highlights just how mediocre the rest of the story is.. Because the world-building? Where was it? Girl literally put them in a extreme boot camp
where they run up and down a mountain for the entire book and then stuff them in a cave for exams... you can't tell me otherwise because the writing was so bad I wasn't able to imagine anything else other than a glorified boot camp and a cave
then called it a day. Like huhhhhh? Don't even get me started on the magic system. It was so confusing and then Alexis magic seems like it came out of no where
and I'm not talking about her language power but the "deadly, murdery" ones... like bruh you're telling me in her.... 19(?) years of life she didn't question anything???? like bsffr..

Moving onto the love intrest... if you can even fucking call them that. Why choose? They say. It'll be great. They say. WELL I CALL BULLLLLL SHITTTTTT. All the fucking choices were horrendus. All men are TRASHHHHHH THEY'RE TRASHHHHHHHH. (With exception to hades and Alexis' brother.) First we have Achilles and Patro who are borderline, not even then, VERBALLY ABUSING Alexis even tho poor girl has no idea as to what the hell she got herself into.... Which is crazy because Achilles and Patro have the most personality out of the 4 men.... They are my favs so far but even then we don't see them often... we see the other POS more... LIKE NO. Kharon and Augustus can KISS MY ASS I HATE THOSE BITCHES. IDGAF if they were abused.... the FMC was and she's not a fucking psycho... I get that it's marketed as a "morally gray alpha" love interest type of thing but those 2 bitches aren't even that... they're just plain red flag...
They found out the FMC was the long lost Hercules and FUCKING MANIPUTLATED HER THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE BOOK. They fucking send wedding gifts (shitty ones btw) knowing she would have no clue as to what they were for and forced her into a marriage. Not to mention they kept Alexis away from her parents FOR THE ENITRE CRUCIBLE even when she didn't want to participate in it. That whole "eating her out on the alter" scene was so fucking icky to me cuz it felt like borderline rape... homegirl didn't know what she signed up for and was exploited into that fucking sham of a marriage.
There was no character development either and high key I hope dem bitches die in the next book. DIEEEEE.

Overall the book was just mid and as per usual, the men made it even worse... Will I be buying this book? FUCK NO. Will I be reading the next one tho? Yes. Because as I said before... It's hard to look away from a dumpster fire.