A review by beforeviolets
A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross

A really nice follow up to A River Enchanted. I really enjoyed the shifts of focus to other parts of the world both physical and metaphysical, and the fleshing out of its history and mythology.

Similarly to A River Enchanted, I found the distance covered by the characters a bit uneven, as most of the characters are just solving mysteries or saving folks while Torin is once again embarking on a trial of self-reflection that redefines his relationship to himself and the world around him and challenges every facet of his taught perspective.

Aside from that unevenness, however, I really enjoyed this one. I was immersed in the characters, the world, and the plot, and I'm definitely interested in reading more of Ross's work.

CW: drowning, blood, child death, illness, emesis, violence, pregnancy, death of parents (past), grief, dead body, imprisonment, poison, sexual content