A review by justjoel
The Delphi Effect by Rysa Walker


I kind of found my way to this book by happy accident. I had won a giveaway for what turned out to be book 2 in this series, and disliking starting a series in the middle, I had to buy the first. And I'm really glad I did.

This was like a blend of Firestarter and X-Men. There's some shady government doings, teens (and some adults) with superhuman abilities, and a serial killer.

For my taste, there was almost too much teen "crushing" going on. Isn't he dreamy? How do I feel about him? Does he think of me the same way? Ugh. Just walking the borderline of Cringeville, Population 2.

I also wasn't a fan of the ending. It felt really rushed after such a steady and tension-filled build-up. I get that there's a sequel (or two, actually), but I really like it better when a book feels complete and you have the option of continuing on with the characters if you want, instead of books like this where you almost feel cheated by the lack of a complete resolution and you have to pick up the next book if you want to know what happens next.

Fortunately, I already have the next book, and I'll get around to reading it sooner or later.

4 out of 5 stars.