A review by vmusing
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell


*****Edit 3/16/2021*****
AGAIN I’m back to change my rating. I want to try re-reading this, but now every time I think of it, this book makes me feel IMMENSE disappointment and dissatisfaction so lowering it to a 2*

***Edit 3/28/20***
So, I’ve decided to lower my rating to 3* bc every time I think about this book I feel disappointment lollll

*Original review & rating*
I genuinely don't know what to rate this book so I am playing it safe and rating it 5* for good measure lol. I might come change it later, but we will see. Baz himself earns each of those 5* which I feel is a good enough reason.

The reason I am having such a hard time deciding on this rating, is due to the fact that reading this book gave me an immense amount of anxiety. I was so, SO worried that something terrible was going to happen to Snowbaz, especially after seeing one of my favorite booktubers give this a low rating. I figured I would have devoured this in two days, but instead it took me over a week to finish. I tried to stay away from reviews because I did not want to be spoiled, and luckily, I wasn't. However I did see the one bad rating and a few people mentioned the "cliffhanger" at the end which made me panic more and caused me to have an aversion towards finishing it. I then saw another of my favorite booktubers rate this as 4 stars, which eased my mind a tiny bit.

This book is different from Carry On and I think the reader can tell right away that the tone is different, more serious. I actually really enjoyed this more serious tone, I appreciated that Simon's trauma and the growth of the characters was actually recognized and explored. I like that this was a way to delve in to what happens to heroes and their friends after the big battle, after the day has been saved.

The other complaint I have (other than this giving me such anxiety) and the reason I think that perhaps this should be a 4* instead of 5* is that I felt like the plot kind of dragged in the middle a bit and I did wonder what the point was for a few moments. Besides this, I did really like learning more about vampires and being introduced to our new character, Shepard.

Of course, my absolute favorite part of this book was Baz. I loved seeing his growth, him coming more into himself, and I loved his chapters so much. He is hilarious and witty and self depreciating and I love every page that blessed me with his inner dialogue. I cannot wait to order a paperback version of this so I can go back through and highlight and underline all the delightful things he said in this book.

I am ready for the third book, mostly because I want to read more of Baz and because I would like some closure concerning Snowbaz.