A review by jlreadstoperpetuity
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke


"Piranesi" by Susanna Clarke is like a mind-bending rollercoaster through an endless house of weirdness. Clarke’s writing is so detailed that you can practically feel the strange vibes of the place. Piranesi, the MC, explores this freaky house, and it's like Alice in Wonderland on steroids.

What’s cool is how Clarke uses the house as a giant puzzle, making you question reality and stuff. It's like a deep dive into the human brain, with all its twists and turns. The book is this wild mix of classical vibes and crazy magical stuff that keeps you hooked.

If you're into stories that mess with your mind and make you ponder life's mysteries, "Piranesi" is your jam. Clarke’s storytelling game is top-notch, and this book is like a literary acid trip – in a good way.