A review by jonezeemcgee
Slammed by Colleen Hoover



I picked up this book because I live in Michigan (not far from Ypsi) and once upon a time I performed slam poetry. Also, my mother is currently dying of lung cancer. I guess I was hoping to read somewhat relatable content.

What I expected was to be transported a little to that world of slam. Instead it wasn't a very authentic portrayel. A little more homework would have assisted with this.

I expected a relatable relationship between a dying mother and her daughter. Filled with a healthy balance of probably both humor and tears. Instead it was a barely touched upon relationship that was eclipsed by the potential romantic relationship between the two love interests. The conversation around the cancer was also not handled well (moms dying...so lets avoid her, make tasteles costumes and get past the grief super quick). It seemed that the relationship between the mother and daughter only existed to push the daughter towards her love interest.

I expected a problematic relationship, as is custom in all Hoovers books I've read to date. I didn't deduct stars for this. I knew what I was getting into. Here is the one place the book lived up to my expectations. Boy was this one problematic. It was pretty much designed around large red flags.

What I never expected was that the one person of color mentioned in this book would be portrayed as someone that attempts to assault a female. Cringe. Speaking of problematic.

It was a fast paced read. It had its moments...but nothing that redeems it or can bring it over 2 stars.