A review by beckiebookworm1974
Wolf God by Veronica Douglas


This is a new to me author and genre-wise this is a slow-burn fantasy romance it was an easy read and definitely had some imaginative ideas. It’s dual POV and Samantha our heroine is a wolf shifter who belongs to a pack that resides in the city it’s here she finds herself pitted against and also manages to wound the Dark Wolf god a powerful male who has been imprisoned behind a barrier in his own lands.

Their initial encounter nearly kills Samantha and in the chaos, she manages to hurt Cadean his injury then deteriorates which adversely affects his lands worsening the whole situation. There's a war that has been raging between himself and the Fae and with this new unexpected development, it’s now looking dire for all under his protection. When the Fae then involve Samantha all bets are off and she now finds herself captured and imprisoned by the wolf god.

Now whilst I enjoyed parts of this I also had some niggles mainly Samantha I couldn’t warm to her. She’s so black and white and judgemental and her inability to dig deeper and gauge someone’s character well let’s just say she was damn lousy at it. The way she constantly sits up high taking the moral high ground was naive at best and arrogant at worst. She sets herself up as judge jury and executioner passing sentence without thinking of the deeper shades of grey involved and the whys. She couldn’t even see through Cadean’s brother and detect he was playing her instead taking him at face value whilst then condemning the former with not so much as a fair hearing.

Everything Cadean does to protect her and his people she manages to find lacking she’s happy to allow him to save her but woe betide he kills anyone whilst doing it though it’s only him she seems to hold to this ridiculous regard. Frankly, she was irritating self-riotous and holier than thou.

Now Cadean I did like and I felt that Samantha didn’t deserve him he does what he must and makes the hard choices because he has to and then he’s also kind to a woman who makes no bones that she vehemently detests him. I didn’t think it would make much difference what he did Samantha would still find a reason to paint him as the villain.

This had an enemies-to-lovers vibe that is slow burn and despite my annoyance with Samantha I did mostly enjoy this it was well written and imaginative I just also wanted to strangle Samantha the majority of the time which wasn’t ideal. I will read the next book as I want to see Cadean catch a break I’m just also hoping Samantha has some personal growth and grows the hell-up Samantha is the main reason this got a three-star rating from me I voluntarily reviewed a copy of Wolf God.