A review by lolasreviews
Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: A Study In Mischief by Lydia Sherrer


A Study in Mischief was a fun a novella that provides a bit of extra background information to the series. I wasn't quite sure where the novella was about, just grabbed it when I grabbed the first book as it was free. the author told me it chronologically took place between book 2 and 3, so that's where I decided to read it. I was delighted when I found out the novella is about how Lily and Sebastian met.

This novella is about Lily and Sebastian who are cleaning his house and they come to the topic of how they met and then we get basically go back in time an actually get to read their meeting. So the current time takes place between book 2 and 3 and the flashbacks actually before book 1. So it could serve well in both places, either as introduction to the series or read between book 2 and 3. There is one small thing that could be said to be a spoiler for something that happened in book 2, but only the result of it, you don't actually get to know what happens. And there is enough explanation that those new to series can follow the story. But I am glad I read it after book 2 as I felt like I could appreciate it more as an extra piece of background information. I already have grown to care about these tow characters a lot and going back to see how they met was a lot of fun.

his novella is a fun addition to the series, it mostly adds a bit of backstory of both characters and we get another adventure to enjoy. There is a small adventure they go on in this book and I liked reading about their initial impressions of each other. And also how those impressions slowly change. I also liked how we got to see Lily and Sebastian their personalities shine again. They are so fun to read about. We also meet a side character that I wonder if we're going to see again. So overall I would totally recommend this novella for fans of the series.

To summarize: this was a fun novella that tells the tale of how Lily and Sebastian met told through flashbacks. I really like these two characters and I liked how this novella gave some addition backstory about them both and it was just delightful seeing how they met. I would totally recommend this novella to fans of the series, but it could also serve as introduction to the series as there is only one minor spoiler in it for book 2. It gives a good taste for the series and for those who already read book 1 and 2 more of the things they've come to expect from those books.