A review by heather_dowell
Kissing the Debutant by Ann Maree Craven, Michelle Macqueen


I've read very few books about dancers but this one was great. It had a rich dancer who was pretty set on doing the exact moves and being completely technical and she was competing for an arts scholarship. But she didn't want to work with the choreographer her mom chose who was really stiff and wouldn't be able to push her. She doesn't want to continue to rehearse the same dance that her mom wants her to use to get into an elite ballet company. Instead, she wants to win this competition so that colleges can see her perform and she can have that as an option rather than making being part of a ballet company her life.

But the choreographer that her mom hired is well known, and now that she has refused him, it doesn't make her look too good. The janitor at the studio, who happens to be around the same age, loves dance. He thinks he can help her out by showing her how to loosen up and incorporate multiple styles beyond straight up ballet. But of course the rich girl isn't going to take a janitor seriously when it comes to dance. Her future is on the line. She is a school girl at a boarding school; he is a townie with a mother who's a waitress. But then one night she sees him dance. He lacks technique, but puts his passion on full display. Maybe he could teach her a thing or two after all.

I really loved getting to see a romance where they're kind of on two different sides of the spectrum. She's also having to follow along with what her mom wants and to be a debutante. When she invites him as an escort to kind of shove it to her mom's face and show her that she does still have some control of her life, he taken the wrong way and drama ensues. But there's nothing like a competition to bring people together.

The couple was super sweet, and I liked how he really helped her grow as a person and a dancer. In a way, he made her braver, but it was her bravery that also impressed him. If you like swoony romances, I bet you'll like this one.