A review by serahlunareads
Hate by Tate James



 My feelings about this one are all over the place. There were a few thrilling moments that kept me on the edge of my seat, and I did feel invested in the storyline at times, but there’s a lot that I didn’t love.

The chemistry was unconvincing and stale. The romance depended on sexual attraction and literally nothing else. We don’t get to know much about any of the characters individually and it seems as though they all exist solely to be aggressive, intimidating gang members that happen to all be, conveniently, sexually attracted to the main character. Now, I understand that this is common in books like this, (we all know the main reason we’re reading them) but that doesn’t change the fact that this book would have been so much more enjoyable with just a little bit more character development. The plot is intriguing, and there’s a foundation for something great here.

I struggled with the main character. She comes off as immature and impulsive, which made it difficult for me to connect to her. She put herself in danger so many times while actively thinking to herself “this isn’t a good idea” but then did it anyways. It left me frustrated and disconnected from her as a character too many times.

The plot feels like it’s something we all fantasized about at the age of 15. Hot, rich girl lives in a mansion with no adults and 3 hot, ripped bad boys that all have a massive crush on her. Her closet is magically filled with cute outfits, there’s a cook, a butler, maids, etc. The quarterback wants to date you, and his dad, a professor, even calls you the “prettiest girl in the class” in front of everyone. On and on it goes. Everything just felt so convenient and unrealistic.

However, the underlying mystery has me hooked, and I can’t deny there’s something slightly addicting to the story. The book ends on a cliffhanger, and I know I’ll be picking up the next one to find out what happens to these characters.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced reader copy. My thoughts and opinions are my own.