A review by amandagstevens
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

Did not finish book. Stopped at 7%.
Oh my word, this is insufferable. I don't care if it gets better later. Because I don't care. About anything or anyone, least of all Thursday Next. This book might have a clever plot, but it suffocates in the author's self-satisfaction over said cleverness. There's a problem when I'm thinking If one more person says, "We have a saying in SpecOps ..." less than ten percent in. Having Thursday describe herself by looking into a mirror is doubtlessly some kind of literary satire, but I didn't smile at it. I didn't feel I was in on some fun joke. I just rolled my eyes and wanted to tell the author, "Yes, I see your smug smile over Thursday's shoulder ... Yes, I get it already ..." I flipped forward to the middle and discovered there is actually a character named Jack Schitt. I guess that is also supposed to be clever.

This book is definitely not for me.