A review by xtinee
Vacuum in the Dark by Jen Beagin


I first read [b:Pretend I'm Dead|36373223|Pretend I'm Dead|Jen Beagin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1514904933l/36373223._SY75_.jpg|45264934] and I enjoyed it while reading but I hated the ending because I felt like it didn’t have closure. The main reason I decided to read the Vacuum in the Dark (the sequel) was for closure. I thought it was much better. I couldn’t put it down. The praise written on the book all talks about how funny it is. I would say it's much more dark than funny but I still enjoyed it. It is light but at the same time manages to cover a range of dark and deep topics. This sequel made up for the first novel. I think it's still necessary to read the first one to get the most out of this one but given that they are both short its a worthwhile investment.