A review by kiana2173
The Red Palace by June Hur


The Red Palace by June Hur is an exciting murder mystery book taken place in Joseon Era, Korea. The main character is a strong female character, that is quite adamant in protecting her values, even when her own reputation and life is at stake. Often times when I read stories regarding a culture that I am not really familiar with, I am always worried whether or not I will be to understand the foundation of the story, because sometimes the author writes the book for the audience that already understands. But when I read this book, the author, June Hur, introduced many of these cultural concepts in a way that is easy to understand, and did not interrupt with the story at all. Some concepts included, explaining the roles of women during the Joseon Era, the rules of the society during the time, and even expanding on real historical events.

The story kept me on the edge of my seat, and nothing was too obvious at the beginning of the story or even throughout, so I didn’t expect the twist when the true “villain” was revealed. The author also wrote the story in a way that never left me feeling bored reading unnecessary details, it felt as if she crafted the story with very careful attention and detail. I felt the fear of the main character when she was scared, I felt the dedication of the main character towards the things and people she felt important, I also cheered when she succeeded. I also fell in love with the main male character due to his dedication and their shared values and sheer respect for her.

I would recommend this book to those who are interested in a murder mystery, and fans of Korea who simply want to learn more about the culture. This book is definitely a book that can let you experience a little bit of Korea.

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Tags: Mystery, Korea, Joseon Era, Confucius