A review by heather01602to60660
How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer


How many decisions do you make a day? Do you ever stop and think about HOW you made them? Even if you try, you probably can't accurately figure it out much of the time - but thanks to brain imaging, advancing science, and curious scientists, we're starting to find out more about how it all comes together. Lest it sound like a dry book of case studies or brain anatomy, fret not - Jonah Lehrer balances the personal experiences of people in decision-making scenarios (from pro athletes to pilots losing all ability to control their planes) with the scientific info in a way that I found totally readable.

Funny story - while reading this book one morning before work, my boss asked what I was reading. I showed her the title and she asked if it was something I was interested in. I had to laugh because I could only admit that I had no idea what drove me to pick up the book! Perhaps I just was craving ice cream when I saw it on the "new books" shelf at the library, perhaps part of my brain I wasn't concious of was reminding me just how many big decisions and changes are coming in my life this year, perhaps it was just a fluke. Nope, not a topic I have ever given much thought, but this book really was fascinating.