A review by michalice
Working Stiff by Rachel Caine


I love Rachel Caine and was happy to get this sent to me from the publishers and couldn't wait to dive in. When I began Working Stiff I though it had a slow start and middle and took a while for any real action to start. Working Stiff finally picked up just past the halfway mark and I found myself wanting to keep reading to find out what happens next and managed to finish the last half of the book in a few hours.

Working Stiff is about a girl called Bryn who accidentally finds herself mixed up with a company called Pharmadene, the creators of Returné, and ends up being a puppet for them to manipulate. She is sent back to the funeral home with the task of finding out who is the supplier of Returné and has a time limit to do ti, or her own supply of Returné will be stopped and Bryn will begin to die again.

Things I liked about Working Stiff were the developing relationship between Patrick and Bryn, and I really liked how they didn't just dive straight in, but took for the whole books to actually do anything about it, which made it more believable to me. I also loved Manny, he may be slightly crazy and have some OCD issues, but he made me laugh a lot. When the book finally started to get interesting it was all the action, fighting and the fact that it actually seemed like they were doing something to stop Pharmadene, instead of twiddling their thumbs.

Although Working Stiff didn't leave lasting first impressions I would still consider giving book two a try when it is released.