A review by cstefko
Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights by Katha Pollitt


Took me forever and a day to read cuz it was my secondary read and it was too cumbersome to take on either of my trips the last two months, BUT this book is well worth your time, trust me. Pollitt does a great job of focusing on reproductive justice rather than merely abortion rights, and emphasizes that poor and/or non-white people have historically had more trouble accessing abortion than affluent white people. (I say people because I want to be inclusive of all gender identities, but Pollitt doesn't use that language, so just a disclaimer there...). I think she also treats the subject of religion as it pertains to abortion very respectfully. For that reason I think this could definitely be a book to recommend to someone who is either lukewarm about their pro-choice position or someone who is personally against abortion but could be persuaded to support abortion rights as a legal matter. I can see how some readers might be put off by her oftentimes blunt tone, but I found it refreshing. I appreciate serious scholarship, but a little candor goes a long way...