A review by jenniferkowash
The Tiger's Daughter by K. Arsenault Rivera


A character driven story narrated through letters reminiscing of the past of two main characters. The setting is a fantasy world rooted in historical Mongolian, Japanese, and Chinese cultures all on the same landmass with sprinkles of demonic and divine powers and/or beings.

My favorite part of this whole story is that each character is very human. Whether they are a passing character with only a few lines or a main character, everyone has faults and preconceived notions. There are a lot of things like language barriers, racism between characters, and culture shock that are usually glossed over/conveniently missing in fantasy that are quite prevelant in this book and it adds a sense of reality to both the characters and the world.

This book is incredibly immersive if you like the characters, but if you don't it'll probably be outrageously boring. Also if the reader is knowledgeable of the historical cultures that are the roots of the main cultures in this book, whenever any alterations or fictional parts of those cultures pop up it may be jarring enough to ruin the book.

All in all I found this to be a rich and immersive fantasy world with high quality romance and realistic characters.