A review by tween2teenbookreviews
Over the Rainbow by Brian Rowe


Over the Rainbow was a fun, interesting, cute novel. It was a quick read that I couldn't put down. The characters are spunky, the plot is well-done, and it's filled with humor. To get an idea of the story, imagine a cross between The Wizard of Oz and Jurassic Park. An unlikely cross that make for a very good story. Anyone who knows the plot and characters of The Wizard of Oz can accurately predict the course of the book, but it's still very fun to watch it pan out before your eyes. Over the Rainbow takes place in 1999, but it addresses issues we still have in today's society. It shows the character's development and how they deal with these issues remarkably well. I was intrigued when I read the synopsis and the story did my hopes justice.

The main character is named Zippy. I can't believe she put up with her home life for as long as she did. Zippy is lesbian, and when her father sends her to an anti-gay camp, she sneaks off in someone else's suitcase to see the girl she's in love with. Throughout the course of the book, Zippy shows courage and loyalty. The friends she meet on the journey are ones that she won't give up on. Each character resembles a character from The Wizard of Oz. They're remarkably personified and endlessly adorable. I love the characters with all my heart.

The story is done in an interesting way, each section having a date above it, almost like a diary. It's a very quick read that will leave readers wanting more. The ending, while concrete, leaves room for imagination. The story itself is kinda cheesy, but the good kind. It makes me giggle and I feel each emotion that Zippy does. I dug into the story and didn't stop until I'd finished. I will must likely read it again and enjoy it just as much. The story leaves almost nothing unsolved. The characters are constantly contemplating what is real and what isn't, giving them deeper meaning. I can relate to the characters and enjoy them. It's a quirky, cute story that everyone will enjoy! The story is fully deserving of it's five stars.