A review by iris
Coram Boy by Jamila Gavin


Oh my gosh, I'm so glad that's over!! I was so incredibly bored!
The thing is, I don't think this is a bad book exactly, it just SO wasn't my thing.


Ummm... I actually have no clue what the plot of this even was... Something about music and a bunch of random boys. Basically.

So... the plot was pretty weak. It was *just* compelling enough that I wanted to finish it, but for the most part it was BORING!

Also it was sort of confusing... I'm not quite sure WHAT happened at the end...
I think that it was Toby and Aaron, but like... how exactly did he survive getting thrown into the ocean in the middle of nowhere?! And also how did they get of the ship? And I'm confused!


I think Coram Boy was well written, but it was sort of flowery and old fashioned, and wasn't very engaging. It fit the book, for sure, and it did help get the setting right, but... It made the book even more tedious. Bleh.


Normally, even if a book is weak in the other areas, the characters can save a book for me, and since this wasn't really plot driven, that's what I was expecting. Yeah, no. That didn't happen.

The characters were SO dry. They all had about as much personality as cardboard. Actually no, scratch that, I think cardboard has more personality. I was NOT impressed.
I could never even keep the characters straight, BECAUSE THEY HAD NO PERSONALITY!!!!!!

Also, they all acted way too old. Like, the tweens were passionately in love for the rest of their lives, and the eight year olds acted at least twelve. How about no?


Bleh! Bleh, bleh, bleh! I think this was a decent book, but it wasn't for me. If this is the style of books you like, I'm sure this is a great book, it's just not the style I enjoy. I wish I'd liked it more than I did, but those characters!!!! Ugh.