A review by sarahk_aa15
Oliver Twist [Adaptation] by Charles Dickens, Les Martin


"Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens is a timeless classic that tells the story of a young orphan boy's struggle for survival in the harsh and cruel world of 19th-century England.

The novel is a powerful social commentary on the poverty and injustice of Victorian society, and Dickens' vivid descriptions of the squalor and brutality of the workhouses and slums are both heartbreaking and eye-opening. Through the character of Oliver, Dickens highlights the plight of the poor and the need for social reform.

The book's memorable characters, from the lovable and innocent Oliver to the conniving Fagin and the menacing Bill Sikes, are expertly crafted and add depth and richness to the story. Even the minor characters are fully realized, and each one adds something unique to the narrative.

One of the strengths of "Oliver Twist" is its ability to evoke powerful emotions in the reader. From the heart-wrenching scene of Oliver's mother dying in childbirth to the tense and suspenseful climax, the book keeps the reader engaged and emotionally invested throughout.

Another notable aspect of the novel is Dickens' use of language. His vivid descriptions and colorful use of language bring the characters and settings to life, making the reader feel as if they are experiencing the story firsthand.

Overall, "Oliver Twist" is a masterpiece of literature that continues to resonate with readers today. Its social commentary, memorable characters, and emotional depth make it a must-read for anyone interested in classic literature and the human condition.