A review by magencorrie
The Gray Wolf Throne by Cinda Williams Chima


5 stars

My Review:

Oh, the plot thickens! The third book in the Seven Realms series was just absolutely wonderful in my opinion. The plot, as mentioned, is thickening, becoming more diverse, interesting, leaving me craving for the next book! The characters are developing remarkably, growing and adapting to the situations they are thrown into. And of course the evil that is lurking is becoming more treacherous, sinister, lurking in the politics that both main characters must get involved with.

Both Han and Raisa have grown so much since the first book. Han used to be an ex-street lord, doing what he could to support his mother and sister. So much has changed for him since then, and I can definitely say that I am proud of the development he has grown through. He does still have a ways to go. But what I enjoy seeing is his cunning smarts and how he follows his heart. He is a perceptive character and I loved watching him use that to help him and those around him.

Raisa has also grown quite a bit since the first book as well, though not as much as Han in my opinion. But I can see the maturity more now in Raisa. She is a romantic at heart, but she has calmed down a bit with the flirting…since she has met Han. What I still enjoy about her character is her strong will and determination to put her throne, others, before herself. Though she is hotheaded, she’s a strong willed young woman.

Of course, they still have growing to do, but I am amazed by how much they have grown since the first book. But I have to say it is the budding romance that I enjoy so much between them. Though I do wish there were more romantic and sweet scenes between them. I can really feel the developing love they have. And I also can’t wait to see where their love will go and how it will test them both.

This book is also filled with quite an array of characters. I enjoy so many of them! But I also have to mention the villains in this tale. They are quite the evil bunch, manipulating and conniving. I enjoyed them just as much as the side characters!

Those many might find the pacing of this book to be a bit dragging, I felt for a high fantasy it was well done. I loved the action that was mixed in with the slower scenes. The plot is thickening and the world is growing magnificently. The development in characters is also such a joy to watch.

All in all, I absolutely love the complex and diverse story that Chima has developed. Each book seems to bring and answer questions while adding intense, gripping action, cutthroat politics, magic, and a star-crossed romance. I adore this series and the characters! And I can't wait to start the last book in the series! I do are commend this series for those who enjoy a very diverse high fantasy world filled with politics, adventure and magic!