A review by neshasurya
White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky


i read this book because a lot of my friends read and recommended it. so, this review is taken from the perspective of a fomo person (lol) and someone who is reading russian literature for the first time. 

it feels like having a private conversation with dostoevsky. this tender tale perfectly captures the essence of those nights we've all experienced—nights full of hopes, dreams, and the possibility that things may be different.  

i always love a book or film when the characters just yapping about life. so, i like this long dialogue. it feels so personal. i really enjoyed how he talks about loneliness and the wasting of one's youth. 

“It will be sad, you know, to be left alone, quite alone, and not even have something to regret - nothing, absolutely nothing ... because all that I have lost, all this, it was all nothing, a stupid, round zero - it was merely a dream!”

“And how effortlessly, how naturally the dreamer’s world of fantasy springs up! It looks so real and not at all like a mirage! In fact, sometimes he almost believes that his dream life is no figment of the imagination, no self-deception, no delusion, but something real, actual, existing.”

i mean... that is soooo (huft)

i find the main character so relatable. but i also think he's funny. i mean, the way he talk about himself especially the self-loathing, made me giggle.  he's literally like, "i'm not like the other guys" lol. 

but as someone who has difficulty believing in love at first sight, the way he expressed his love was silly. it must be admitted that there are a lot of beautiful and poetic sentences tho. and i also like the fact that we can actually say these romantic sentences to friends or family (not to just a romantic partner). here's my favorite: "You know, we thank some people for merely living at the same time as we do. I thank you for the fact that I met you, that I will remember you for all my life!'' 

honesty, it didn't depress me as much as i thought it would but i still liked it. ya... masih masuk fiksi nelangsa sih ya.